Ammar Family - Family Photographer, Salmon, Idaho
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By Bellanet Photography
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Craig and Janice celebrated 40 years of marriage recently. Their daughters had a BIG surprise. 

Taylor, their youngest daughter, secretly snuck into to town to surprise them. Lindsey and Taylor planned the best little surprise party. Catered, champagne and their arrival expected to be at 4 p.m. Well . . they didn't make their scheduled arrival time so they had to go into Get mom and dad home now mode. So they may have had to come up with a lie to get them to come back for their surprise party. 

Lindsey called her mom Janice, worried. Now all of a sudden their was a floor in the house and they just needed to come home. Well that was the lie to get them home.

They finally arrived. Everyone took their spots and Janice and Craig walked in a greatest little gathering of loved ones to celebrate them. As they gathered their thoughts and set their things down, Janice spotted Taylor's dog and walked right to the bedroom where Taylor and Patrick were to surprise them. Both Janice and Craig were surprised. It was so perfect! Even with the flood lie. 

Not to overwhelm Craig and Janice with a surprise anniversary party, and a big surprise the girls scheduled family photos later in the week. 

When we were walking to some spots, Craig said this was the very trail for their Thanksgiving fishing spot. Little things like that make family photos even more special. Then to top it off they shared a bottle of champagne together, typical for the family - a sweet little hooray to their marriage and the beautiful family they have. 

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Have family coming to town for the holidays? Contact me! 

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