I got to travel to May for a family session with the Fife family.
I'll be honest, I've never actually traveled up May. I know, don't judge me. It is so beautiful up there. I know, I know we read that all the time. We do live in an incredible place but May is more open.
One thing the Fife family wanted was May mountain. It was so sunny! We totally under-estimated the sunset. I don't want to complain about nice weather, but it was like a nice summer day instead of cool fall.
Lauren also reassured my that her little girl didn't smile in all the photos, that's okay, that's her. I loved that so much. If you are anything like me, I am telling my own child, "smile" in photos. Or I overly try and force it out of him.
And you know how many times that works? Never. Not once. When you overly force the smile it just isn't a smile anymore, you know what I mean. I love letting them be them especially little one because the last thing we want are tears, we may not recover.
We went to the first location and it was just too sun still and zero clouds in the sky the family would have had to sit behind a bush for their entire session.
Morgan had a great idea for a second location that was next to a creek with some tree coverage. It was so perfect. This little spot was perfection for this family of three. Then they got to cool off in the creek after.