It's Your Wedding - Have it how you want it - East Idaho Wedding Photographer
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January 21, 2021
By Bellanet Photography
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In the last couple years I have seen a lot more couples to choose to pick and choose what "traditional" things they want to do and what feels right for them as a couple. 

It really has been neat to help build a timeline with the couple and incorporate what they want and be on the same page for what they don't. Whether this is a "traditional" daddy daughter dance or just what you want to have and don't want to have. 

You do not have to do what you think is "traditional." You don't have to do what your mother-in-law wants you to do and you don't have to where something borrowed, or blue and rain isn't good luck on your wedding day. Sorry, it isn't. 

Weddings are for you two. Not for everyone else and we get lost easily in the dinner decisions, the seating arrangements and all those little details that don't really matter. Let's focus on what does matter, what you two love, love about each other and who you want to celebrate with.

I have included some of my favorites. 

• Aaron and Francesca walked down the aisle together. They actually got ready together too. It was really cool, Aaron casually took care of his dreads, as Francesca put on the most gorgeous red and purple dress. They walked down the aisle arms around each other where Francesca's best friend was waiting to marry the two. 

• Do the damn money dance. I had a couple ask recently about the "money dance." I think it's fun. I love the reception and when everyone is dancing and just kind of forgetting I am there. Look how awesome Raul's money ended up! It was all over him! 

• Yard Games Welcome. Yes, yard games. Corn hole, horseshoes and even Twister are wedding friendly. It's easy entertainment, kid friendly and affordable. 

• Dance However You Want. I have seen a lot of couples just not include the "traditional" dances, of father/daughter, mother/son and even their own first dance. This is solely based on the couple. I have seen some couples dance with their children instead of their parents. One of my favorites was at Kevin and Aleson's wedding. She performed a Hawaiian Hula Dance. It was a surprise to Kevin and most guests and such a beautiful tribute to her her husband. 

• Desserts>Wedding Cake. Honestly, I have seen less and less cake at weddings. I have seen more dessert bars, pies and just anything sweet the couple likes. 

Want to know about my wedding photography services? Let's chat. 

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