Meet Briggs.
And mom Katelynn.
Briggs was so amazing and adorable, right? He was the best little guy during the session. I can't get over his blue eyes and how dang cute he is. He was the happiest guy right out of the truck and I knew we were in for a treat.
Katelynn's mom, Tammy, tagged along and really helped with Briggs. He was already happy and grandma helped get those really cute smiles. Katelynn did admit that she didn't have that high of expectations because well Briggs is still a baby and ya never know. He was into and we went with it.
We kept moving and I encouraged Katelynn to just play with Briggs and act like I wasn't there. They both rocked the session and I am still so impressed with Briggs! I loved that he was wearing just a white tee and blue jeans. It really brought out his blue eyes. And who can resist tiny jeans?
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Mommy and Me sessions are special. You should always opt-in for mommy and me sessions. They are truly priceless no matter what age you are or you children - Get them done. Don't over stress or think you have to dress up every single year, just having those memories will be worth it, I promise.