Katey - 2021 Salmon High School Senior - Salmon, Idaho
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By Bellanet Photography
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Thursday night I swear we went to bed with little snow on the ground, right? Because 

For a little bit there I almost thought we would get a little early Spring and prove that groundhog wrong, well I was wrong. It started snowing, and snowing. And snowing. 
And it's still snowing. 

But that didn't stop Katey. She said she "a little snow would be pretty." Well, we were in for a treat. We braved the cold, it was 13 degrees at during the shoot and snow was easily to our shins. Due to the depth of the snow and Katey's mom car getting stuck in the snow we walked into the fairgrounds. 

Katey had some great outfits. She loves everything country. Her style, her hobbies and in fact her after-school plans. Katey is actually graduating early. She has all of her required credits and got approved to walk in the 2021 graduation. How neat is that? 

So played around at the fairgrounds in the snow and it was great! Katey brought some really great outfits, her bell bottoms were great but the snow didn't do us in favors with those. She also braved the below freezing weather with a romper. She was a trooper. And she had to include her most prized possession her Pit Viper glasses. 

Katey's dad saved the day and came and pulled them out and plowed a path for us to walk back. He was truly a lifesaver! 


If you still need 2021 senior portraits hit chat button and if you are a 2022 senior my model program is still open! 

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