I always love my mommy and me sessions with Jessie and Coraline.
This special mommy and me session was Hope's very first and it couldn't have been better.
It's taken a few session for Coraline to get semi-comfortable and really just grow a little. This little cutie always shows up in a dress. So when I schedule them I know there will be an amazing dress involved.
She loves princesses and had nearly all the princess dresses so I would expect nothing less. She wore a beautiful pink dress and accessorized with some blue accessories. She looked so cute.
Hope was perfect at her debut in front of my camera. She is so stinkin' cute. She was so content and smiled and laughed. Thanks in part to grandma, Karen. She drove into town to help Jessie (and me) during the session. She was such a big help!
Jessie and I have done a few mommy and me sessions that at this point we know what we want from each other. I love being able to recreate some of the images we have taken in previous years.
This was a gift to Jessie from her mom for Mother's Day and like Jessie said, "the best present ever." And that it is.
If you are anything like me, gift giving is stressful and overwhelming and what really do they "want" or "need." The answer is usually, "I don't know" or "Nothing."
When gifting a photo session, you are gifting them actual memories with the people they love the most. Photo sessions are not just "cheese" in front of the camera. I love to have you and your children play together and have a good time together to actually have great memories of your session.
I want you to be able to look at the photos in the future and appreciate the memories and love within the photograph but remember how fun and great the experience of the session was.
I hope I create that for Jessie every single time, every single year. I love creating these incredible time capsules.