I have been to this spot a couple times in the last few years and it never disappoints. Ever. Is the Salmon River ever a disappointment? No.
This was my first session with CJ, Jenny and their two beautiful daughters.
Jenny said this was their first family session in years, if not ever. She usually does it herself. She sets up a timer and tries to hurry and be in front of the camera. Not this year.
This year Jenny got to relax, and really enjoy being in front of the camera and with her family.
This was my first time meeting the girls so of course we need to do a little warm up and we walked around. The trees were so beautiful and yellow and orange.
We got so many great shots right on the river and with all the colorful fall colors.
CJ's parents tagged along to help with the girls and get them to really smile. They helped so much and I was surprised when they pulled out masks to make the girls laugh. And it sure worked. Thank you again!