Why you should do a first look at your wedding
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April 24, 2024
By Bellanet Photography
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Should You Do a First Look on Your Wedding Day?

Long story short - YES. 

Hear me out - if you are debating having a first looking on your wedding I am going to address some positives as a professional wedding photographer. If you are "traditional" and want that "first look" down the aisle, let me reassure you, that's the MOMENT not necessarily, because they haven't seen each other first. 

Why you SHOULD do a first look

Get Time Alone 

When you do a first look you actually get some time alone. As a wedding photographer I find this to be CRUCIAL part of the day. You wedding day is going to go by so fast and believe it or not, sometimes the couple doesn't even get to spend that much time together that day. You both are getting ready with your bridal party, prepping, you have the ceremony with everyone watching, rushed into photos and now socializing with all your guests. A first look allows you two to get some alone time and really go into the ceremony together. 

Couples often don't talk during the day prior to the ceremony with everything going on, so this is a great "check-in" with one another on you BOTH are feeling. This alone time will also allow you to really look at each other and admire them. 

Less Pressure during the Ceremony

If you are nervous for the ceremony, do a first look. Ease your nerves and see each other prior to the ceremony. This allows you to relax a little. Think about who do you go to when you are nervous, anxious or just need to feel okay - chances are it's who you are marrying. 

If you are having a large wedding and just nervous about everyone looking at you talk to your best friend prior to the ceremony. I am sure you both are nervous and it's okay to talk a moment for just the two of you. 

Save Time

In addition to getting alone time and getting rid of those pre-wedding jitters, it will actually save you time as well. When you do a first look this will save you time after the ceremony and won't be away from your guests as long. In a perfect world you will be able to get portraits in before the ceremony to help with your timeline and add time to your day. 


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FIRST LOOK IDEA: If you are writing your own vows but nervous about sharing them in front of people or just don't want to - have a private vow exchange during your first look. These are very intimate and honestly my favorite. It's so special, and while with my clients I stay away, I do still and try and grab some photos for them. 

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